Normanhurst Public School

Be Respectful, Be Responsible & Strive for Success

Telephone02 9489 1152

What we offer

Each school in NSW offers something slightly different depending on the community. Here's what we offer for you.

School Programs

To assist with the transition to school, Kindergarten students are given a Year 6 buddy to help support and guide them. Buddies meet the year before school starts on transition days and begin to develop a relationship. Kindergarten students then arrive with a friend and mentor from day one. Year 6 students assist with the first few weeks of school in both the classroom and the playground. The buddy relationship continues throughout the year with activities such as Buddy Reading, where Year 6 students read with their Kindergarten buddies and complete the Premier’s Reading Challenge.

EAL/D teachers provide targeted English language instruction to help students develop their literacy and English language skills. They support students in a number of subject areas across the curriculum. They also support teachers in developing learning programs and teaching practices suited to EAL/D students.

EAL/D teachers are passionate about developing the literacy skills of culturally and linguistically diverse students. They are able to assess students' education history and English language proficiency, and design individualised lessons focusing on listening, speaking, reading and writing English. They are also able to work collaboratively with other teachers to support them in developing learning programs and teaching practices for EAL/D students.

Our EAL/D teacher this year is Mrs Kate Brisot and she works on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Brisot works in the classroom supporting any targeted students and also works with some targeted students in small focus groups.

All students visit the computer room once a week to learn about digital technologies and develop skills in ICT. They are given the opportunity to investigate digital technologies and create digital solutions, which includes areas such as computational thinking, exploring data, algorithms and sequencing. Students integrate emerging technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, Makey Makey circuit boards and 360 degree cameras into their work. The development of ICT skills such as using research and presentation tools, graphic design and editing plus an awareness of the importance of online safety is also a significant part of the program.

In 2024 we are implementing the Resilience Project. This whole school wellbeing program teaches and supports positive mental health in the classroom, staffroom and wider community. It is centred around the principles of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness (GEM); principles linked to positive emotions and positive wellbeing.

Normanhurst PS library is open Monday to Thursday. The library is well resourced to support the recreational reading and information needs of students and staff.

Each class is timetabled to attend a weekly library lesson. Library lessons include time for browsing and borrowing.

To engender a love of reading, students are encouraged to participate in the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, CBCA Book Week Activities, National Simultaneous Reading Time and Australian Reading Hour.

Normanhurst Public School has a proud history of public speaking. This competition, run by The Arts Unit at the NSW Department of Education, offers thousands of students across NSW the opportunity to develop their speaking ability and confidence by exploring ideas relating to multiculturalism in Australia – often, but not necessarily, with reference to their own heritage and family stories. Each year, four students from Normanhurst represent our school at the local finals.

Each class attends a weekly music lesson with the specialist music teacher in the specially equipped music room. Students experience the strands of music - listening and responding, performing and composing through practical and engaging experiences using a variety of musical instruments.

Our school engages in the Peer Support program that supports whole-school student wellbeing. The program places students at the centre of their learning and empowers them with practical skills and strategies to positively navigate life and relationships. The whole school participates in eight sessions of Peer Support throughout Terms 3 and 4. Year 6 students develop their leadership skills by delivering these sessions with the assistance of their Year 5 co-leaders.

In Term 2 of each year, Normanhurst Public School participates in the NSW Premier’s Spelling Bee. The competition is held for Years 3 to 6 and is a fun and educational way for students to engage with and improve their spelling. As a school, we select a Junior and Senior Division finalist to compete in the Regional Finals in Term 3.

At Normanhurst Public School we offer a variety of different Sports Programs to cater for all needs of students. On alternate years we have programs run by an external company, SportsPro. They have skilled educators sent to the school to develop students' ability in Gymnastics and Athletics. SportsPro caters for all student levels, whether they are just beginning the sport or compete outside of school. At Normanhurst Public School we also have another external company come to upskill our students. Dance2bFit focuses on strengthening students' dance skills, teamwork and hand eye coordination. Without fail, each year students have many opportunities to learn new sports skills with these listed programs.

In Years 2-6, students have the opportunity to be elected by their class as an SRC member. The SRC representatives attend several meetings a term to share their class’ ideas about how to create positive change within the school and wider community. The program values student voice and aims to develop the students leadership skills.

In Term 4 students from Year 2-6 participate in weekly lessons to develop their swimming and water safety skills. Qualified swim teachers teach the program at a local swimming pool. Students of all swimming levels are catered for, from beginners right through to squad level

Extracurricular Programs

Normanhurst Public School has an outstanding extra curricular band program that is run by a parent committee and conducted by an experienced band Director. Students are supported in finding tutors for individual lessons and with the hiring of instruments. We run a Training Band to give students a start in ensemble playing, and a Concert Band for the more experienced students. Both bands have two rehearsals each week - one morning before school, and during one lunch time. Our bands enjoy performance opportunities at school, and at band festivals, eisteddfods and other external events. The bands also enjoy workshop days and an annual band camp.

Year 1 and 2 students have the exciting opportunity to be a part of a new program this year called Buzz and Bop. It is a singing and dancing group made up of only Year 1 and 2 students. It is designed to ignite interest in choir and dance before reaching Stage 2 and 3. The songs will be modern, easy to learn and motivating. The dancing will be fun and out there so as to be entertaining. We meet in 2F each Friday for the first half of lunch to rehearse. We aim to perform at school assemblies.

Chess lessons are conducted by dedicated chess teachers from the Sydney Academy of Chess. Each Wednesday lunchtime, students are introduced to new concepts, tactics and patterns, which are designed to elevate their play. The benefits of playing chess extend beyond the game itself, improving children's ability to plan ahead, solve problems and to concentrate.

We have very popular and successful performance choirs available to students in Years 3-6. They rehearse once a week, developing skills in tuneful singing and harmonising. Both our choirs perform regularly at school functions and other special events, though the highlight of the year is performing in a mass choir with surrounding schools.

In recent years the Senior Choir (drawn from Years 5 and 6) have appeared at the Festival of Children's Music, performed at the Chatswood Concourse and Festival of Choral Music, performed at the Sydney Opera House. 

The Junior Choir (drawn from Years 3 and 4) have also appeared at the Festival of Children's Music, as well as the Primary Proms which performs at the Sydney Town Hall.

Coding Club runs in the computer room on Thursday lunchtimes for Year 3 to Year 6. Students work on coding activities using “Scratch”, a block based coding platform which allows them to create many things, from stories to animations and games. Lessons and tutorials are available or students are welcome to work independently on their own projects. There is a supportive atmosphere at Coding Club with more experienced students helping new coders, and everyone testing and enjoying each other’s work.

The extracurricular dance program offers students the opportunity to showcase their talents, develop their movement skills, and be part of an enthusiastic and supportive team. We currently have two dance groups that cater to students from Years 3 to 6. 

Students attend weekly rehearsals to learn dynamic routines that are choreographed by our experienced staff. We hold a fundraising event to support the purchase of our vibrant and professional costumes. Normanhurst dancers always perform to a high standard, display outstanding enthusiasm and  represent our school with pride at all times. Our sensational Dance Groups engage in a range of events, such as, participating in Sydney North Dance Festival, competing at eisteddfods and performing at whole-school events.

Our Debating Club is open to all students from years 5 and 6. We meet once a week during lunch time to learn debating techniques and roles, and to practice writing and presenting debating speeches. Normanhurst Public School participates in the state-wide Premier’s Debating Challenge which allows our teams opportunities to compete against other schools. We have a strong tradition of success in this competition.

Green Team is a fun and interactive program for students where we talk about all things green and engage in practical ways to look after the environment at NPS. Whether it’s creating posters to raise awareness, planting seeds in our gardens or educating the young minds of our future, Green Team is the place to be on Tuesday lunchtimes!


All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.

All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.

The canteen is open every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and is staffed by a manager and volunteer parents. New faces are always welcome. Enquiries should be directed to the Canteen Manager or through the school office. Our canteen  is an accredited  Healthy School Canteen  and provides  a varied, nutritious menu  prepared in clean hygienic surroundings.

Lunches need to be ordered online, before 8.30am,  through:    Our school ID is 2567963.

We also sell snacks over the counter for cash at Recess and Lunch.  Frozen treats are only available at Lunch.

We have a number of Gluten  Free / Dairy  Free/ Vegetarian / Halal options available and do not use nuts.

Please email the canteen manager if you have any questions about your child's dietary or allergy requirements.

Download and view canteen menu (PDF 43KB).

Contact details

Canteen Manager: Lisa Pang

Canteen phone number: 9989 8775 



When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.

Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:

  • meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation

  • includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics

  • is appropriate for the full range of school activities

  • is suitable for all body shapes.

Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is operated by the P&C and is staffed by a manager and volunteer parents. It is open during school term on Friday mornings by appointment, for families to try on items for size or purchase pre-loved items. For all new uniform items, families can place orders via our online shop. Orders are packed and distributed to the students via the School Office on Friday each week. To visit the online Uniform Shop, or book an appointment, please visit the P&C Uniform Shop website at

Hiring our facilities

You may apply to use our school’s facilities for appropriate purposes provided your hiring of the facility doesn't interfere with our teaching and learning programs.

We assess each application on a case-by-case basis. Find out more at Using school facilities.

If you’re interested in hiring our facilities, contact us for details.